Because everything is just rosy under my regime ...

As a Jew, this is utterly fucked up. Hitler is completely incomparable to Trump, and it's absolutely, unspeakably disgusting how modern liberals bend over backwards to paint Trump as a fascist dictator anything at all like Trump.

Millions of my people were murdered in his camps. Shot, gassed, exterminated, starved to death, tortured. Pure, unabashed evil. Planned genocide. Real genocide. He would've killed every one of us if he had the chance.

No one stops to think about this comparison?! No one stops to realize how offensive it is to Jews to make this comparison?! You guys preach tolerance and political correctness and not offending people, but you turn around and you undermine my own family's suffering and death for your twisted fantasy?!

Trump isn't good. But this comparison hurts me.

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