Because GamerGate is important enough to change political parties over.

This is an insane reason to switch sides, as I described in an article about this:

On September 16, 2013, Aaron Alexis entered the Washington Navy Yard and initiated a mass shooting that killed 12 people, after which he was killed in a gunfight with police. As a response to the shooting, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and her co-hosts on the talk show Fox & Friends tried to form a link between players of violent video games and some of the most notorious mass shooters ever known. Displayed on screen and labeled as “Big Gamers” were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold of the Columbine High School massacre, Seung Hui Cho of the Virginia Tech massacre, Jared Laughner of the Tuscon, Arizona shooting, Anders Breivik of the Norway attacks, James Holmes of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater massacre and Adam Lanza of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. Aaron Alexis was also described as an avid fan of shooting games. Hasselbeck then went on to suggest that we need to monitor people who frequently purchase violent video games.

What about frequency testing? How often has this game been played? I’m not one to say to get in there and monitor everything, but if this, indeed a strong link, two mass killings, why aren’t we looking at frequency of purchases per person and also how long they are playing? This is what a legitimate attack on gamers and video games looks like. Not only are they grouping gamers with deranged murderers, but they are even suggesting that the government needs to step in and monitor gamers that frequently purchase violent video games.

Shortly after the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, the National Rifle Association held a press conference in response to the horrifying news. NRA, who pushes for lax gun control laws, responded to the shooting much in the same way as Fox & Friends. Instead of suggesting stricter gun control in the wake of yet another horrifying atrocity, NRA executive VP Wayne LaPierre pointed his finger at video games.

Through vicious, violent video games with names like Bulletstorm, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Splatterhouse. And here’s one: it’s called Kindergarten Killers. It’s been online for 10 years. How come my research department could find it and all of yours either couldn’t or didn’t want anyone to know you had found it? Right-wing propagandists aggressively attack video games when it suits them. Although they are now strong backers of GamerGate, it’s not because they care about gamers or video games. It’s because they share a common enemy with GamerGate- feminists.


/r/GamerGhazi Thread