Because you haven’t seen a joke this original before.

My brain just shuts down and refuses to make me do anything if I don’t have a “reward” at the end of my work/studying.

I start my working session (especially nowadays) with looking at my planner, what I’ve written down, and then having the reward in mind, usually it’s getting to play video games. It motivates me to get my work done so I can finish and do what I want.

When I’m grounded (which is kind of often, because I can barely function in most test-taking environments and no one gives a crap - long story, but if you want to know I’ll tell you) I can’t motivate myself to do work. I do my work, and then for what? Sit around and cry? I do read a lot, but I get stir-crazy, because when I usually read I do because it’s a pause, like in the car going on a 15min-1hr ride, on an airplane, taking breaks from the computer etc.

So that is just my experience, but I hope I helped you see the other perspective!

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