Because I’m perceived to look a certain way should I have a hard to get attitude? Had my niceness lead to me being perceived as boring?

Nice does not equal boring. You can be nice, and also be a badass who toughs it out on a long mountain climb. You can be nice, and also interesting and talk to me about science and go to the museum. You can also be nice, and we can people-watch and enjoy a concert or sporting event.

We're all professional adults, and I get it when a person can't respond to a text immediately. People have busy schedules! But if you're not responding just to put on a front and appear aloof or play hard to get, I would drop you like a bad habit. I despise it when anyone plays hard to get. I'd be more interested if you actually put in an effort to let me know you're giving us priority.

/r/datingoverforty Thread