because we only wear makeup for guys

But the women's problem I was responding to specifically was, and I'm paraphrasing here, "why does everything a woman does have to relate back to men," and in a neutral tone I specified why I don't think that issue is unique to gender, but rather arises naturally from our being sexual reproducers. It wasn't a men's issues vs women's issues thing, and I specifically stated it's not a pissing match. Now, if you said "I wish I didn't have to do homework, being a man is shitty" and a woman followed with "Hey, women have to do homework too, and it sucks" I wouldn't say it's about making it one side versus another. It's simply pointing out that it's a universal thing. What I do find disturbing is that masculinity is often referred to as toxic these days, whereas femininity is only viewed as a positive force. That seems normal and OK to you?

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