Because youre (europeans) were gassing children

Sorry but I'm going to interrupt whatever hole you're leading yourself into because it's starting to get pretty sad. Yes there are a few differences between states in the US, for instance Vermont won't be like Texas whether it's the people or the culture. BUT, you can't compare the "multiculturalism" of the USA and a whole contient that has gone through thousands of years of war, changes, etc. Going from France let's say Ukraine is extremely different and they are both in Europe. (Been to both) Don't tell me that the difference between let's say Portugal and Norway is the same than the difference between South Carolina and North Carolina. Heck let's even compare countries that are closer and smaller, would you say that Austria is the same as Germany? No!! They might have similarities but that's normal since they are neighbors. They have different stories, cultures, beliefs, lifes, architecture, I could go on for hours.

I'm Canadian and I won't pretend that the difference between let's say Saskatchewan and Alberta (two Canadian provinces) is even close to the difference between two European countries. The only REAL different nation in all of Canada and the US is Quebec. There's no discussion to be made that's just how it is.

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