Becca Tilley’s thoughts on Roe vs. Wade & her faith (2 pics)

You do not speak for all Catholics. To be a Catholic is to follow the Ten Commandments - everything else is literally interpretation from a 1000 year old book written by men in a language we can't even understand. You can't dictate who gets to be Catholic and who doesn't, in fact, the one thing the Bible does tell us is that no one is without sin and only he who is without sin may cast the first stone. When that's you, when you're living a fully sin-free life, then you can judge who gets to call themselves a Catholic.

Also, point out where in the Bible it says abortion is wrong. If you're basing it on the Old Testament, the Old Testament is highly contradictory. The New Testament does not accurately represent Jesus' or God's teachings as it was written after Jesus' death. Therefore, of course it is up to each person to interpret the Bible and their relationship with Catholicism however they want to - religion is a highly personal thing, and not something you get to govern nor impose on anyone else.

Also, I guarantee you've broken some archaic rule written somewhere in the Bible - you've eaten pork? Well, now you're a sinner.

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