I become super paranoid in my own academic offence case.

Hi, another TA here! I just want to give you props for confessing in this case. I have dealt with academic offenses before where one student copied from another and it's really messy if there are denials all around. While each student should be mindful and accountable regarding academic integrity when 'helping' each other, it's brutal to drag in multiple students for an offense where one student was trying to help another who (for whatever reason) copied too liberally from them but isn't owning up to it. Owning up to a moment where we were not our best selves is hard but it bodes well for you regarding the case. The uncertainty must be very hard but it will be better once you have the outcome - you will reckon with and learn from it, but it will not define you.

Im also facing an offense right now... want to know how much percentage is your case?

/r/UofT Thread Parent