Become Ungovernable

  1. Everything you mentioned could happen anyway even with the Police. If anyone really wants to kill me or occupy my shit, they’re going to do it regardless of the police. Criminals don’t fear the police, they expect to get away with their crimes and only fear an armed victim stopping them from completing their crimes. The police only show up after the fact and by then it’s far too late, I’m much better off abolishing the police and all weaponry control laws so I can take the kids gloves off and deal with that shit myself in the moment with the best firepower available. Also a better deterrent than a pig that’s across town.

  2. My bois and I are the ones with the most firepower lmao excluding the tyrants of course, abolish all tyrants and weaponry control laws then we’ll have even more firepower. We aren’t worried.

  3. Violent Gangs in control? Sounds like the Police Departments to me. Smash their monopoly on violence.

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