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People try to play the "Look, in my experience, the only people i've ever met from ____ race do ____" and try to play it off like it's not racist. Saying "HEY IM NOT RACIST, THATS JUST WHAT IVE EXPERIENCED, HOW CAN IT BE RACIST IF ITS TRUE FROM MY EXPERIENCE" does not just discount that statement from being racist. That is exactly the fucking problem with racism today, people don't even recognize when they're doing it. I cannot even understand how no one can wrap their mind around this here.

Well, this is a legitimate argument. I even brought up that possibility in my original comment: "Now, you could possibly argue that the likelihood of never meeting a racist person of any other race is slim to none, so perhaps this person is viewing the world through a racist perspective."

But you were twisting the words around, claiming that they were saying that all black people are racist.

you're correct, he didn't explicitly say "Hey, black people are the racist ones," but any person who even has the slightest understanding of english rhetoric knows that is exactly what he was implying.

Was he though? Perhaps he was, maybe the real meaning of a comment can get lost in text, maybe it would be clearer if I heard him speak it.

Maybe I'm taking his words too literally, maybe I'm not reading between the lines. This reminds me of a conversation I had with my girlfriend. We were debating whether or not it's racist to ask people of the same last name and of the same race if they're related. I argued it wasn't, because it's a reasonable, non-judgmental question. She argued that it was, and one of her points is that I might not see it as racist because if I, as a white person who doesn't judge based on race, were to ask this question it would be a genuine question. But other people might ask that question with a judgmental tone. Minorities who are of the same race with the same last name might experience that on a somewhat regular basis. Obviously that's wrong, and racist.

But now back to the topic at hand. If this person is saying all of the racist people I've met have been black (secretly implying that all black people are racist) then yea, that's racist. However, if it's an honest to god observation of the world, how could it be racist? Again, you could argue that they're viewing the world through a racist perspective, and therefore only ever notice racism when it's coming from black people. I personally have seen racism coming from people of many different backgrounds, but I don't draw conclusions about their entire race. And for every racist person I've encountered of (insert race or choice here), I've met way more who were kind, good people. So maybe people are more racist than I realize and I just don't catch it for what it is because I don't think the way they do. And as a white person, I don't see racism directed towards me. Or if I do, it's not like it slows me down in society. I also don't have racist friends or family members, so maybe I'm a little bit sheltered.

However, I still maintain that "every racist person I've met has been black" doesn't imply "every black person (including those I haven't met, are racist." I mean, from a logical standpoint, that line just falls apart. But if you want to infer an underlying meaning from that statement then go ahead. I'm not saying you'd be wrong, I'm just saying given the information we have the logic doesn't add up.

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