You have been accepted for an experiment: you must stay in a room with nothing but bed/toilet/food/water and no human contact for one month. If you succeed for the whole month without giving up, you get $5,000,000. Do you accept? And what are your coping strategies to avoid mental breakdown?

The main thing that would keep me sane is knowing there is an end in sight...and of course 5 mil. I would not accept if it was an indefinite amount of time. Other things that would keep me sane...singing and rapping songs, doing a ton of push-ups and sit-ups (yikes, no shower), and thinking about all the stuff I'm going to buy with 5 million. I would also sleep as much as possible to maximize my time and I would slowly. Plus it says good, so hopefully since I'm locked in the room I could make food requests, I would be eating real good. Maybe to make that part realistic the food you eat gets subtracted from your winnings and if you don't complete the challenge you have to pay it all back

/r/AskReddit Thread