I have been banned from posting to r/Feminism for subscribing to this forum.

Seriously? Omigosh...

I actually sent a message to the moderators, I have yet to recieve a reply from any but himself in which he kindly told me to 'fuck off' once again, sorry if this offends anybody, I wrote this when I had just been banned and frustrated;

I've read over the rules and I don't understand.

I made a comment expressing an opinion, which I am entirely in my right to do so and made a questionable point open for debate and explanation.

I find it highly contradictory for my rights to be denied for having an opinion in conflict.

I also find it unprofessional and an abuse of power for a moderator of a respectable cause to tell me to 'fuck off' for being part of a 'hate sub'? Which sub is this? What gives any indication or right for a moderator to judge my person and lifestyle, almost suggesting that I should be ashamed of myself for being part of something that could be suggested a 'hate sub'? Did you even read the rules of any of those said 'hate' subs? Had you done so you'd find that was entirely beside the point.

This also leads to the context of being subscribed to any sub not being an indication of going against any of r/Feminism rules. I should have the right and freedom to discuss things in any sub without fear of being stalked or spied on by any moderator who has a conflicting opinion.

Which brings me back to the original point. I was banned for saying the word 'C***' which I will censor, incase of offense which I have apparently caused without any awareness of doing so. I'd expect a moderator of r/Feminism to be at least a bit more informative as to why women/men take offense to said word and maybe even provide a source for it.

If a black person says 'N*****' then it's ok, but when a white person says it then its deemed offensive. Why? Because there's a whole history of racial abuse and torture from white people shaming black people for their culture and skin colour.

So what the actual fuck? I have no shame in saying that word because as a woman I am not ashamed of my body or words associated with my body. But if you're telling me to be ashamed of using such a word on a forum then excuse me for getting my priorities wrong for openly expressing something that I felt is important to women today.

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