Have you been a creep to someone? When did you realize it?

Yeah, by accident. Back when Tumblr was popping (I was 21 in 2011), I had a HUGE crush on the guy who ran this semi-popular page (hip hop and art culture). He sent me some shirts he printed and I sent him pics of me wearing the shirts (no nudies). Never really talked on a personal level, just about art/music. He posted some highly edited artsy pics of himself but nothing really showing what he looked like. One day, he posted a bunch of DMs where he answered personal questions people asked him. Turns out he was a 15 yr old kid. I never spoke to him again or even interacted with him on Tumblr. I do still follow him on Instagram though. It’s creepy that I watched him grow up in this context but we never interacted again.

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