It's been one year since I've moved to London - here are my thoughts.

Moved here 1 year ago in October from BC...

Drivers can't drive, and in your effort to survive their driving you almost always get honked at, sworn at and fingers fly.

There is zero control or consideration for the addicted, homeless, unsavory population. Loitering, begging, harassment happen unfettered by police. I can't walk around in town alone without someone attempting to stop me every few meters to ask for change or a smoke. Those who aren't beggars, keep their eyes down to avoid contact and harassment, those who do make eye contact do it to try and figure out if they can get something out of you.

The amount of suffering businesses is insane. it seems like everything is closed/closing or should be closed since you are often the only one in the store and the sales people jump on you like they are starved.

The nasty circle of the low income population. Everyone is so desperate for work they will take minimum wage, meaning everyone is fighting for the bottom of the barrel jobs making it nearly impossible to find work without a Uni education...

Speaking of which, the horrible wages for skilled trades. My partner came from Calgary where he made $34/hr as a welder, of which he had worked for several companies there, all similar wages... he moved to BC, he was still getting $24-28/hr. Here you will see businesses offering their skilled trades $14-18 an hour. It took him nearly 5 months to find a job that paid more than $16/hr, and he settled for $18 out of desperation.

I am still looking for work, as a skilled worker with all in-field training but no actual certificates. I have lowered my acceptable wage by nearly 50% to accept minimum wage, and I still can't find work. I have been looking since May.

We literally CANNOT afford to leave here, and we both regret this move immensely.

Oh and did I mention he was born here... and hes appalled at what has happened to the city he grew up in.

/r/londonontario Thread