I have been recently getting these skin-coloured bumps near my eyes and on my forehead. Is it from clogged pores? More in the comments

Recently I started using foundation and it’s since then that I’ve noticed these little skin-coloured bumps appearing on my face. The bumps are tiny, skin-coloured and not hard to the touch. They don’t seem to come to a head.

I make sure to remove my makeup by cleansing my face using cosmoderm salicylic acid face wash and sometimes with sebamed foaming cleanser as well. Perhaps I should’ve used a mineral oil on cotton pads to remove my makeup before using the cleansers.

I’ve also been using retinal from geek and gorgeous about 2-3 times a week. Last night I used stridex pads on my face as I noticed more of the bumps when I woke up in the morning. And the day before, I wore a full face of make up.

What am I doing wrong? Should I apply something onto my face apart from my cerave moisturiser (for dry skin)? What’s causing these bumps and how can I get rid of them quickly?

Coming to think of it, I’ve had two bumps like these on the side of my nose for years now. (It looks larger in size now)

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread Link - reddit.com