Has this been talked about? This megathread has a ton of accusations against well known YouTuber Boogie2988.

I used to watch him but his content got stale for me. In my opinion, he just comes off as a person with mental issues. Nobody's perfect, especially those who come from a past of trauma and abuse. Most of this list seems very nitpicky and "thought police-y" to me. Sure, a lot of it could've been handled much better, and a lot of shit shouldn't have been said, but I honestly expected much worse. Seems like a dude with a lot of problems he needs to work through. I think you people thrive on drama and just want blood. If there isn't enough drama to go around, there's no qualms to be had about trying to ruin someone's life over the flimsiest of pretexts for your own entertainment. That whole community just seems like the remnants of fatpeoplehate found a common target to unite against and it's kinda disgusting.

/r/DeFranco Thread Link - reddit.com