It's been a year, if you still refuse to wear a mask you're just plain fucking stupid.

My mother, sister, and two brothers had to make the decision to move my dad from a ventilator to "comfort care" on Wednesday. We spent weeks not being able to see him and getting updates on positive benchmarks for recovery and then find out it was just the process covid took to completely destroy him. We were lucky enough to be able to put on PPE and be there when he was taken off of the ventilator. They removed all of the iv's which includes the three or 4 in his neck. The feeding tube and the ventilator were last. They administered morphine to help with the pain and ease his discomfort and I can only hope it did. We had our two brothers on facetime with us and we waited by his side for 3 hours while he gasped for air and tried his best to find us while we cried and spoke to him about how much we and his grand children loved him. My mother held my brother on a phone in one hand while playing Santana (his favorite) on another phone trying to provide some comfort to him and drown out the sound of the machine filtering the air in the room. My sister and I took turns holding another phone that a nurse was so kind to let us use that had our other brother on a call with us. The entire time questioning how we let him continue on in the condition he was in. I would like to tell you when he past we felt relief but we didn't. There just isn't any watching what covid does to the ones you love. I just got back from viewing his body with my wife and kids for the last time 20 minutes ago and my head is just fucked up. I know we were lucky to be able to have those last three hours with him. Most people don't get that time and I'm not sure they should. I don't wish that experience on anyone ever. So yeah put your mask on and wash your fucking hands. What ever you can do to help stop the spread you God damn do it. The alternative is absolutely devistating.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread