Before you buy a CBD product...Question everything!

Finding a good reputable lab is hard. We sent out blind samples to a few labs here in Washington before we picked one to see who had the most accurate results. We still send in our samples blind, we don't tell them what is in it, or what company it's from to prevent bias and cheating. Some labs were crazy bad, like way off, to the point where I just think they slapped made up numbers on the report. We've also received a fake lab report from a supposedly big name reliable CBD supplier. They mistakenly sent us two copies of a lab report, one which had whiteout on the paper covering the company name and lab report number, and the other photocopied report. After holding the paper up to the light I was able to make out the lab report number under the whiteout. A quick google search online showed that the test results belonged to a different company.

/r/cbdinfo Thread