Before the Open Beta ends, i have one last thing to say...

I played open beta for 13 hours, of those 13, my top three chars played was 1. Reinhardt (3hours), Lucio (2.5hours) and Mercy (2hours). I prefer supporting people after learning how to heal in another game, I just got used to healing my group rather than damaging enemies. I still love charging enemies into walls on Reinhardt, but being as he was my main character I enjoyed playing in open beta, it was mainly all about blocking damage with my shield, letting it recharge quickly, then blocking more damage.

You could get a real sense of which characters are OP DPS when blocking with Reinhardt coughBastioncough, because your block damage figures who go through the roof for the games when they had two of that character. I think one game where there was two OP DPS characters set up at an objective, I blocked 24k damage over the space of a what turned out to be a very short game because we could not get to the point, no matter how much I blocked.

I feel that as a support, there is not enough emphasis put on how important we are to the game, the only time I've got a potg as a support, is when playing Mercy and I res'd 5 of my team mates on the objective in overtime (two times, out of the many other times it is usually a kill streak potg). Besides that there has been numerous times when I play Lucio, that I felt I turned the tide of battle, only to sit back at the end of the game and watch another 4 or 5 player kill from a players insane DPS ULT. I do think support needs more recognition, quite often players take them for granted (which is shown by 0 votes at the end of the game, even when playing Mercy and healing for 7k to 10k every game).

Thanks for thanks, at least some people appreciate us support players!

/r/Overwatch Thread