Beginnings of a deep dive into the LoO materiel, beginning with some excellent questions:

I am no longer interested or keen on your views or of anyone else from the sub as regards Session 17. I ask, with every possible strength I can muster that you do not bother responding to my queries on Session 17 or Christ or Yahweh. I am not what people see me to be, and I am uncomfortable conversing in such an environment. Please leave the matter to my misunderstanding. If I thought you could help me without berating me, I would gladly listen. But you seem to treat my inquiry as a hostile action when it was a source of real confusion for me, and still is. I was not playing Devil's Advocate. I was sincerely inquiring. But i believe it is better I remain ignorant than be belittled or made to feel like I am being misled when all this is from me and apart from Redditors, I know no one else who knows of LOO. All questions I raise are my own as I don't read or respond to Redditors comments, mine or not, except in a few circumstances like yesterday. Pain illness hampers my ability to read as much as I would like and heart palpitations tend to upscale when I am thrown into a stressful set of circumstances in the precise way you are doing.

So I take every query back. I politely ask you to stand down and back off, I am unable to participate in a toxic discussion for health reasons. Please stand down. Now.

/r/lawofone Thread Parent