Behold: the “Miranda and Steve were always perfect and it’s bad writing that their marriage is failing after 20 years” starter pack

But he literally wanted to mark zero compromises either. Somehow Miranda was the bad guy for not thinking a nice guy was all that was needed for happiness. No they should have never been together. They were completely incompatible. But Miranda isn’t wrong because she doesn’t like snuggling or morning sex or dessert routines. She’s goal oriented. She should have never been with Steve. They don’t even like who each other is. That’s my whole point. Everyone on this sub is all “Steve is so great and Miranda is so wrong.” And I just don’t agree. I would never be attracted to Steve. I am a Miranda and I like Men who are also Miranda. I want a partner to empower me not soften me. And if I’m single forever? That’s more than fine.

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