Being at concerts or movies by yourself feels lonely... meeting new people there is even lonelier

I was being agreeable, it was just hard to keep a conversation going when we could barely hear without shouting into each other's ears. No, I did not want to leave the concert before it ended, I mean I was there in the first place for that band. Lol, maybe I'm an asshole for that. I just wish we stuck together after the show ended, so we could have hung out or something later. Maybe I should have waited for them at the gate, or maybe they never stuck around to find me in the first place, I don't know.


I mean, it's all good, I'm not complaining lol. I know it would have gone differently if I skipped the band and we did a different activity, but I guess I made a different choice lol, I don't regret it or anything. This is not a reddit post about me not catching signals and whining about socializing being hard. The whole point of this post was just to, I don't know, share with other people weirdly niche feelings that we might have felt one point or another in life. You know how there's a reddit cliche where every story ends with "and we've been married for 30 years", or "we've been best friends since"? What about all the real stories that go like "and we never met again"? I think that's what the overwhelming majority of our encounters with interesting people are like.

Now you're taking one social situation that didn't work and applying it to the experience of everything?

Lol don't get me wrong. I might have phrased my post badly. The majority of these kinds of events where I made a friend, male or female. All of them usually ended with them or me losing track of each other in the energy of the crowd, and then never seeing each other again. That's just the nature of such social interactions. I guess what I'm saying is I'm just one of those people that get unreasonably hung up over the absence of goodbyes or any kind of closure. I'm the type that grieves for a whole week when a fictional character dies, or when a movie ends with an open ended ending.

I can always crack jokes but never know how to continue conversation.

I know man. With people I've been friends with for a long time, we always have this comfortable silence when a conversation ends. But with people I just met there's no way to know if it's comfortable silence or uncomfortable silence lol.

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