Being fat is not a disability.

Disability and weight gain happened to my mother, too. Previously a workout freak (and non-smoker), she developed COPD in her 50s. She's now 66. For the past six or seven years she has only been able to exercise in a clinical (rehab) setting, which her insurance barely covers. This makes her depressed. She wants to enjoy herself and finds comfort in food. I don't have a problem with that. If I were in her position I'd start drinking and using cocaine again. Why not? Fuck it. Anyway my mom has to use a wheelchair anytime she leaves her house. If she has to go to the supermarket or something like that herself (I go for her almost always) she rides in one of these scooters.

And I personally got shot in the ankle a while back. A whole bunch of surgeries and I can't walk very well either. I am not really overweight but I used to be skinny and am not anymore, despite watching what I eat and drink. Though a lot of that could be my age...metabolism slowing down and stuff. I can understand why people gain weight. If not for the possibility that someday I'll be able to walk normally again, I'd probably say "fuck it", too.

But I get really pissed off when people make fun of fat people. The fact is any kind of disability that makes it hard to move is likely going to result in weight gain. Sure, if you diet like crazy it won't, but being sedentary leads to bad habits. Pain or not being able to breathe...those can lead to bad habits. And I'm not sure those habits are so bad when you have something afflicting you that makes it impossible to enjoy the life you were once used to enjoying.

So fuck FatPeopleHate. Glad they're gone. This site is better for it.

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