"The "Being A Model Minority Is Tough, But I Think Black People Are Hella Ghetto" starter pack

always baffles me why Asians spend so much time on their knees, bowing while they put everyone else's concerns above them. talk about model minority. i'm not saying this writer is such a case (lol by the way, random fun fact: this is the same guy who wrote that viral article "Which Asian Guy Is Right For Me?"), but that's exactly the phenomenon going on here. there is nothing about this writer that strikes me as particularly original nor insightful, so this type of pervasive attitude on being critical about Asians had to come from somewhere. i know this is the worst sub out of all the Asian subs to bring this up, but that somewhere is from the same place that taught Asians how to handle affirmative action.

Asians are always going to be second-class in this game so long as they obediently accept this role. white liberals don't recognize them. and (black power doesn't really support yellow peril back.)[http://www.angryasianman.com/images/angry/yellowperil_blackpower.jpg]. nowhere near the extent to the opposite. i'm not advocating to not support black people, i'm specifically addressing how terribly Asians go about advocating for themselves.

and my experience contradicts this writer's catchy one-liners. an enormous portion of my social circle are Asians involved with hip-hop/urban fashion/culture etc., and i know no other demographic that is as cool with black people on a genuine level than them provided they are in the same general socioeconomic class. the black people in these groups are the most vocal ones in calling other black people ghetto. privileged minorities always talk shit on their own kind. be it on ghetto black people or fobs. it's the basic middle class drive to separate themselves from the lower class, and the attempt to detach themselves from the stigma of their Asian-ness/blackness.

here's another narrative where this writer's attitude here is coming from. "black people can do no wrong, but oftentimes Asians do." again, willing acceptance of a model minority role. i'm not interested in the argument on whether or not minorities can be racist, i just think it's counter-productive playing the honorary-white-liberal role again. "people of color can't be racist. if they are, it's self-hate/white-worship/etc." somehow, this attitude doesn't extend to Asians. because honorary-whites. again, not interested in the argument itself. rather, the self-sabotage/neglect.

"solidarity" and "diversity" is a privilege. whether it's those marching together because they are united by their liberal educational backgrounds or because you grew up in a middle-class area where people weren't exchanging cultures on a platter but they at least got along in each others' stores. that's because these ideas today are parroted in ivory towers. let's be realistic, minorities from the hood tend to hate each other. there are so many details missed from the sweeping generalizations about race in America.

yes, there are plenty Asians who hate on blacks, but there are nuances to that, and this post just reeks of stringing the latest liberal buzzwords and ideologies together. i can prove that with math alone. if 20% of Asians are obsessed with swag (generous estimate), and only 1% of them are keen and vocal about issues like the model-minority struggle and social mobility and whiteness, then you're talking about 20% of 1% of the population. that's hardly a significant demographic to paint a narrative of problematic Asians. but hey, i suppose you can say anything you like as long as it fits the narrative we've all been told.

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