Being polite will get you farther than being an asshole.

I won't disagree with half of that. From my personal three years of experience, it's half and half. Half the people are ok and they don't deserve heavy handed tactics. The other half are mouth breathing shit eaters (really, you have NO IDEA the type of people I'm talking about. People that have no intention of ever paying and are the exact monsters that you state agents see every debtor as.

Some of the agents here are fucking monsters. It's true.

Bleed the good agents, the shitty agents, the decent customers, and the scumbags, and you get the entirety of collecting. It's an environment unlike any I have ever been to, but also an exact metaphor for humanity.

Odd how when you describe collection agents I started to think you might be talking about police officers. Not every one of them are bad. But the majority of them are entitled bullies that treat people like scum. Hrm. Funny how we can apply that to so many different walks in life.

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