And being a Republican isn't{%22sponsorship%22:%22sponsored%22}&searchResultViewType=expanded

She's sponsored (or co-sponsored) exactly eleven pieces of legislature:

  1. To award congressional medals to some police officers.

  2. To prohibit assisting West Bank and Gaza.

  3. To prohibit people from being discriminated against for not getting the Covid-19 vaccine.

  4. To reduce the salary of the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

  5. To build a wall on the Southern border.

  6. To increase privacy of gun owners.

  7. To preserve the second amendment.

  8. To remove Maxine Walters from a committee.

  9. To remove Maxine Walters from a committee.

  10. To honor a police officer.

  11. To impeach Joe Biden.

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