Belgian female police officer performing nazi salute while her squad is pulling a George Floyd on a Slovakian man of bout 13 min. They all laughed and made jokes until he stopped breathing. Then they called in the med team but he was already dead. He was a mentally ill prisoner.

I’ll address your points in order.

McCarthyism is pretty widely accepted shorthand for the kind of finger-pointing purged of political rivals we’re talking about. As with so many things, the inferior Americanized version is the one history remembers. I was lazy, but I suspect you understand that and your pedantry is in this case insincere.

Sticks and stones, etc.

We still don’t know all the names on the list. Those we do know are on the record as communists. He didn’t “out” anyone (as far as we know).

Oh my! Do you mean to tell me one or more of his novels was reinterpreted to deliver a message that differed wildly from the one he intended? I’m outraged! Imagine if that happened, I don’t know, throughout the course of recorded history! Ever seen the recent film versions of Starship Troopers, or Children of Men? Not exactly what Heinlein or James had in mind, I suspect.

And he wasn’t caught red handed. He gave a list to a trusted friend (a list her brother-in-law very likely helped to compile - again, we just don’t know for sure). We don’t know if Orwell was aware of whether she was honest about what she wanted the list for, she never said either way. We do know he was all but dead at the time from tuberculosis, a disease which is widely known to fuck with one’s head.

It might feel good to be overly confident in your opinions and call people names, but it makes you look silly.

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