Why do you believe in a flat earth?

We've already debunked every bit of FE "evidence"

I hear everyone yelling this at the top of their lungs, yet somehow you haven't found the silver bullet for this thing which is interesting. Claiming victory, laughter and repeating thing's that you claim are evidence regardless of any hole's flat earthers poke. It reminds me of the way religious people act after they've been indoctrinated. All the sudden everything is proof of god, whereas for ball earthers, everything is proof of a ball earth even when thing's could point to other possibilities.

Why not? This is a bold claim to make without any evidence.

It's common sense, you can see it for yourself below. Go ahead and deny.

Simple Horizon Test

It isn't even useful or accurate in any way yet. Half of my Daily Debunks demonstrate this fact.

"Yet" is the key word there. It's just be brought back into the public eye again for the first time in a long time. You're basically debunking the old school model which doesn't prove anything. Flat earthers are rethinking and retooling things now and it requires patience to understand that without claiming victory prematurely.

Why would the side with far less evidence, far less research, and far less supporters be the default?

Even if you're right, you still had to be taught that the earth isn't stationary and flat as that is what it looks and feels like. It's obviously the default position even if your position is correct.

You must demonstrate why it isn't. You haven't been able to.

And you haven't been able to convince any flat earthers to stop trusting their senses. We have demonstrated, despite the denial, over and over that the ball earth model has holes and is lacking in terms of evidence and claiming otherwise is not slowing down flat earthers from looking at things in a different way. If anything it's started to get bigger as people have started to argue which shouldn't be the case if there is such an apparent overwhelming amount of evidence for a ball earth. People have pointed out that things like Rotating Earth from Space and NASA CGI globe look extremely fake which doesn't bode well for ball earthers and without NASA, ball earthers don't have much, and they defiantly don't have their own senses. You don't have to be skeptical but it's not going to stop us from being skeptical ourselves about fake looking images and a lack of good evidence.

Also we've shown that the Earth cannot be 93 million miles away from the sun

So at best we have one side claiming they've proven that the sun is far away and one side claiming they've proven its not? This goes back to my other statement that people are not as smart as they claim and could easily be wrong. It's hard for people who have sunk their ego's into this to understand that we could be wrong I guess.

The Sun can't be 93 millions miles away

Sorry if my comment's come off as hostile. I noticed 8mark left so I figured I'd play devils advocate for awhile. I'm kinda just trying to entertain the idea to entertain people so please don't take it personally man. In reality I'm more of a space agencies lie type of guy. I don't really have a horse in the flat earth race but it's fun to argue for it.

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