Why do you believe in God?

Science gives us means but no direction. Science cannot give us value judgements as to what is good and evil.

If you're looking for complete objective empirical proof beyond criticism of the existence of a God as described by the Abrahamic religions you'll be looking and confused for a long time my friend.

Yes there are sound, logical reasons to believe in a creator of the Universe as others have mentioned (the starting point, the uncreated creator) but if that's all you're going by I'm not convinced you'll find the answers you want.

If you're looking to embrace Islam through faith on the other hand, the warmth and love is very real. The avenues for spirituality, contentness, self discovery, community, love, charity, purpose and direction are all very real and can certainly be found.

Having experienced that through my upbringing is what allows me to have faith in God.

That being said, it's much easier said that done. Sometimes you have to go through a period of intense doubt or confusion before you have to opportunity to feel that spirituality that lets you re-engage with Islam.

/r/MuslimLounge Thread