Do you believe in love?

Aromantic love as in genuinely caring for someone and their wellbeing (friendship, family), definitely. I learned this because I do have friends I care for. Its been friends and some really good coworkers/people I've encountered that have helped me through a lot (and have helped me learn to genuinely care). Familial love is out there though its not always the case just because you're related. Personally with biological family I care 'in a sense' as in I don't wish ill and am civil but I also don't feel much affection due to clashing personalities and things I've experienced.

Romantic love? I never felt it and never will (I wish I did) but many others have. Hard to believe in something I'll likely never experience but I do acknowledge others have indeed experienced it.

Not the most misanthropic opinion obviously but the idealist side of me does believe in love even if the definition is complicated.

/r/misanthropy Thread