I have rarely shared these with anyone. I am curious to see if anyone has had similar experiences. Let’s start with this one: I was in grade school at the time. 4th grade I think. I was in the bathroom playing with a "super-ball". Remember the ones that were florescent green or pink? Funny, I don't remember the color any more. The bathroom was small. More of a 1/2 bath. A sink and toilet but no bath tub or shower. I was sitting on the floor throwing the ball against the floor, bouncing off the wall and back to me. My Mother was on the phone (with her Sister?) out if the dining room. I could see her and see could see me. I threw the ball and it bounced off the floor and disappeared as it hit the wall. No sound. It just "went away". It took me a second to realize what happened. At that same moment, I heard my mother say "I will have to call you back". She saw it too (the ball disappear). We looked everywhere. No ball. Years later, she said "we should have opened up the wall to see if it was inside". If she hadn’t seen it, I am sure I would have just let go and explained it away or just shrugged my shoulders. Her witness is what was some important to me as I knew I had not imagined it. I have two theories on this: The "more" plausible one is a dimensional opening (Glitch). If you have seen the "Little Girl Lost Episode of the Twilight Zone, that's what I am thinking of. The "less" plausible one (although shown itself true after many years of WTF) it that "someone" took my ball. What I chose to romanticize for all years is that someone or something took my ball. And it's not that the ball was important. If they wanted the ball, they could have taken it anytime. I think the point was to take it in front of me. I feel like that one action was too show me, at a young age, that things are not what they appear. That has proven itself many times over. Any thoughts? I don’t suppose anyone else has had something like this happen to them?