I believe my fiancee has a DVT; possible PE?

Its so hard to say, if you should or should not go to the ER.

Of course, it's reassuring that the breathlessness and pulse rate are normal. Chances are that it's all fine. But nothing is certain in medicine, and some of the concerns are very real here.

One of my former work colleagues had a similar presentation, and his wife called me in panic a day later to say that he'd collapsed. I rushed over and tried to save him, but he died under my hands, when resuscitation failed. The postmortem showed he'd had a massive lung embolus. We were both GPs in a small rural Canadian town.

If there is any way you can get to see an emergency physician, it would be a good thing.

Sorry I can't stick around much longer to reply further. I need to go and prepare for work soon.

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