Why do you believe things without evidence?

You don’t need to believe things without evidence to have an effective spiritual practice. You don’t need to believe in magic or woo, you can be atheist or ignostic, all that is necessary is to be open and receptive to experiencing the experience for its own sake without defaulting to mundane explanations. You don’t have to make up a woo explanation or anything, just refrain from defaulting to an explanation that lets you categorize and compartmentalize the experience. This opens the door to uncanny, illuminating, and sometimes transformative experiences. It’s okay to have a general explanation for these kinds of experiences as long as you don’t bring them into your meditation space. I’ve seen people chalk up these kinds of experiences to confirmation bias, or similarly that when denied language and linear thought, the mind projects unconscious elements on things it perceives as outside itself via the symbols and events it notices and finds meaningful. Both of those positions seem pretty reasonable to me.

/r/Soulnexus Thread