Ben Brode about the year of the kraken nerfs

I said it elsewhere here but I'm honestly ashamed at myself for having spent over $400 on this game; I feel genuine shame, no exaggeration. I've never fallen for the greedy free to play traps out there and always took a sense of pride in evaluating a game as a free player before eventually giving a developer my money once I was satisfied that the game wasn't abusive in its free to play elements. I didn't do this with hearthstone because I believed in Blizzard's pedigree and I must say that I'm genuinely ashamed of myself for falling for it. When /u/bbrode takes such weak positions on how to handle this game, like purposefully nerfing cards into uselessness and never revisiting them I see a genuine problem and I even see an element of manipulative greed hidden in there (I mean, if classic eventually becomes worthless due to so many nerfs, we are then forced to buy more cards from the new expansions right?).

I just know they can do better and I feel like I really made a huge mistake in trusting this game before giving the free to play aspect my normal skeptical assessment. Good job brode, you tricked me, but just know that it has hurt my opinion of Blizzard overall.

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