Ben Shapiro is fucking amazing

We are making the same point. But to be clear:

When people say "you have to earn my respect," the majority of the time they mean "you have to earn the right for me to treat you respectfully." Ben Shapiro is one of those types of people. Other people are stupid morons, and he will speak with contempt to them until they "earn the right to his respect."

So my point is that no one has to earn the right to be treated respectfully. And the less people "deserve" to be treated with respect, the more impressive the person is who has the internal self control to continue to behave politely.

I think I've only seen one conversation where someone was treating someone respectfully and also having a conversation about how they needed to earn their actual respect. And that example is a sober coach giving a very calm, kind, you-can-learn-to-be-better talk to an addict.

Also, being polite is a little different than treating others with respect. Respect requires some more empathy and belief the person can change.

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