Benghazi Benghazi benghazi

Let me give some non-partisan opinion here.

I see a lot of arguing in the comments about accountability and who to smear/shame. A lot of finger pointing and anger. Let's face it, no matter who on earth was president during either of these acts of terror, you bet your ass at least half of the populace would be irate and shift ALL blame on them.

Here's the thing, I see some people defending Trump, and I see people defending Obama and Hillary. What I have an extremely hard time understanding is why on earth politicians don't make things like this a priority. Instead of bickering back and forth about which administration is worse, and which party is better, wouldn't it be awesome if JUST ONCE our politicians put our service men and women as a top party. Just set aside their differences for important issues.

I really don't get it one bit. One thing I will say though, is that Trump ran on this idea. The idea that politicians were full of bullshit and only cared about their own best interests at the expense of innocent lives. Well, you clearly see now that he is just another politician. Hillary and Obama would have, and already have made similar mistakes, they are also POLITICIANS. The difference is that their supporters weren't tricked into thinking otherwise.

Trump is a puppet just like the rest of em.

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