Benjamin Netanyahu didn't offer 'viable alternatives' during Iran speech: Obama

Again with the insane number of assumptions. I moved to this country to study political science during the Clinton administration. Bush took office the year I started law school. I worked for a Utah Senator. Just because a person disagrees with you, it does not mean that they are uninformed, merely that they have examined the evidence presented (hopefully) and drawn a different conclusion to you. I have not assumed or even implied that you are ignorant or uninformed simply because you disagree with me. How about you treat me with the same respect, else you fall prey to the liberal vs conservative groupthink that you claim to despise so.

Roe v Wade was decided in 1973. We have over 45 years of legal precedent confirming a woman's right to safe, legal abortion, up to the point of fetal viability. From a legal standpoint, supporting Roe v Wade is the conservative view; uprooting it, reversing 50 years of legal precedent, several Supreme, thousands of Federal, Judicial, District and Local decisions confirming precedent, would require an enormous shift in evidence that would call a woman's right to self-autonomy into question. I do not consider abortion to be a liberal issue at all; I find it to be a legal and philosophical debate about bodily autonomy, the intersection between morality and humanity. To simply dismiss being pro-choice as an exclusively 'liberal' thing ignores a great many moderates, independents and Libertarians who believe in a woman's right to self-autonomy, free from government interruption and jail time.

I know full-well that there are pro-choice Republicans as well and anti-gay Democrats. Here's a nifty map showing districts where the Republican representative opposes gay marriage, along with where Democrats oppose gay marriage. Still think gay marriage is both a Republican and Democrat problem? Looks pretty one sided to me. In fact, if you look at this page, which list all declared opponents to gay marriage, you'll find that being anti-gay marriage is almost exclusively a Republican thing, with very few exceptions.

You gave me 'examples' of precisely zero Democratic anti-gay bills and zero republican pro-choice bills. What you did give me was a random an disparate set of mini rants.

'Clinton signed doma then flipped'

So what? It's called evolution. It seems to be happening a hell of a lot when it comes to politicians, who all sense the tide turning and are flopping in record numbers. At no point in American history have more people been pro-gay. What is your point about Doma? It's dead and gone. Can we concentrate on the hundreds of anti-gay bills in various legislatures, like, RIGHT NOW, all of which were sponsored by Republicans?

'The Supreme Court allowed exemptions on Obamacare, not the GOP'

Um... Who mentioned Obamacare? I didn't. You apparently just want to rant about it, but ok. Yes, the Supreme Court allowed exemptions on Obamacare. That's what they get paid to do: confirm or strike down laws passed and challenged by politicians. In other news, water is wet.

'The curriculum set up... Liberal and conservative members'

Yes, I'm sure there are so many Liberals who support the teaching of creationism in science class. And the inclusion of solidly Republican principles into our children's text books by an all-Christian, all declared Republican board of education. Yeah, that's totally a Liberal thing...

You talk about us vs them groupthink while indulging heavily in it yourself. You have assumed a great deal about my supposed 'liberalism' (which, no, I'm just a normal fucking person who doesn't care what people do behind closed doors, with their own bodies). Fiscally, I run heavily capitalist. Socially, I couldn't give a crap what people do. So seriously, screw off with the 'ooh, you're just an ignorant liberal BS' and go pontificate to someone else. If you'd stop being an asshole for just a sec, I'm sure we'd find we have many opinions in common. Such as the fact that politicians really don't give a shit about any of this and continually use it as a smoke bomb to pull off some shady shit behind.

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