Bernie crushin' it

It’s cool. I got this. I’m running for president in 2020. I’m not sure how to announce it to the internet yet, but I just drank a bottle of wine and I’m talkative, so here comes a write up:

In college I was nicknamed ‘madmaxisgod for president’. That’s due to a reflex I have when in a group of new people. I go around, introduce myself, shake hands and try to get to know you. ‘Madmaxisgod for president’ in full effect.

Now of course we all know no college kid can become president. You need to be 35 to run and of course I did the math and found out 2020 would be the earliest I can run. I turn 35 next summer.

I also found out that it cost 10k to actually register to run for president. To actually make it on a ballot. As a candidate I do not want to take money from special interest groups, and I don’t have 10k just lying around for a laugh, so I figure gofundme when the time comes, $50 max donation. It’d take 200 people.

Still writing the platform, I have time still, but I want to mention one last thing. I’m a white guy married to a black woman. Let’s make MLK’s dream, Lincoln’s dream, our founding fathers dreams, be a reality and wash away the past fee years of fascism.

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