Bernie Sanders Drops 2020 Presidential Election Bid

Honestly a little disgusted by this, but I'll explain why. He was a sign of hope for some downtrodden people and took their money. It was clear he wasn't going to have the plurality of the delegates going into the convention long ago, but stayed in because hey he was here to make a statement. But it was this singular Wisconsin poll that we won't know the numbers for until the 13th that broke him. it just strikes me as such a spineless move either make your point and go to the convention or drop out long before the people give up their money to you.

They still have their faith that he's gonna do something like run third party, but he didn't even do that against the much more unlikeable Clinton. If I had to speculate he's just going to endorse Biden because Trump's the evil orange man.

/r/AskTrumpSupporters Thread