Bernie Sanders Isn't Electable

Well then i guess the status quo is the way to go. if you say so.

I doubt Bernie would achieve one tenth of what he promises to deliver, but its about time leadership who believe there are profound problems with straight forward solutions available that ought to be fought for and sought after. If fucking Cuba, Canada, France and others can provide free medical care for its people why can't the "greatest Country in the world" do it? The answer to that is now that you have let for profit agencies monetize health care you face deep opposition from heavily financed players who will not go quietly while the system is changed and they get cut out. As it stands now its your money or your life in America, and that's a travesty. Hell, that's the very definition of highway robbery.

And the money in politics is patently obscene and an affront to democracy: one that will surely erase any actual semblance of democracy given time. Already Citizens united has corrupted the process to such a degree that America can scarcely be termed a democracy at all. Its bought and paid for by special interests and if that trend is allowed to continue the divide between the rich and the poor will only widen. Not sure where this will lead the country but it certainly will lead it farther and farther astray from democracy.

America is under siege and a sea change of thought must give way to newer, rational processes and policies that can begin to scale back the decline. The war on drugs is immature, reactionary, and completely impotent. A shift towards treating drug use as a health issue would save a lot of lives and align with the true nature of the problem.

Of course these are just my opinions, but there seem to be many who agree. something must be done and radical changes need to occur, because the path Americas on now seems very likely to lead to nowhere anyone wants to go.

For profit prisons are laughable (if they weren't so terrible tragic) mockeries of justice and a clear violation of the most basic of ethical considerations. Another national disgrace.

America could be great again if it just did what is right for a change.

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