Bernie Sanders has picked a terrible argument against the TPP

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot)

Sanders is suggesting that TPP would be bad because it would force US workers to compete with workers in Vietnam - implicitly, that it's bad because it expands economic opportunity for poor workers in Vietnam at the expense of significantly richer workers in the United States.

Even economists who think trade has significantly hurt US manufacturing workers tend to think the damage is already done, and that future trade deals will involve sectors of the economy in which the US does more exporting than importing.

It would directly put US workers in competition with more - and poorer - workers abroad. The effects on US workers would likely be small, but even if they weren't, that trade is worth making.

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Post found in /r/Economics, /r/BernieSandersSucks and /r/politics.

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