A Bernie Sanders presidential bid would take on the billionaires

When I was in 8th grade we had an election for class president. The winner was a kid who went around to everyone in the class promising to buy pokemon cards and/or doritos for whoever would vote for him. Obviously he never bought shit for anyone, he couldn't afford it and/or would have gotten in trouble, so he made some excuses and that was that.

I get the general sense that Bernie Sanders supporters would consider themselves well or better informed than average. After all that's why they're in the minority of those enlightened enough to see how great he would be for our country! So how is it that such a clever bunch of people can just gobble up promises without any second guessing? Without any deeper consideration?

Are you a student? Well when I'M president, school will be FREE! (yaaaaay)

Do you - or would you like to - receive benefits from the government? Would you like MORE benefits? You name it, you GOT em! (yaaaay)

(But Bernie, where does the money come from?) Rich people have lots of money, we'll just take theirs! Oh, and the evil corporations, those things have money too, we'll take it and give you all the thiiiiings! (yaaaaay)

(I guess taking money from rich people is popular... do you... but don't corporations employ real people? Aren't global economics a little bit more complex than that? When you start adding more taxes to companies, don't you just make US companies less competitive, and foreign ones more so? Isn't that at least worth talking about, all I hear is how terrible they are...)

Stop picking on Bernie, you just don't get it! It's just SO obvious and SO simple that nobody has ever thought of it before! You just take all the money from these people... and give it to these people... then everything's perfect and there are no negative long term repercussions! And speaking of jobs, do you want some of those? Bernie will give EEEVERYONE a job! (Uh, hows he do that?)

Well the evil corporations sent them to other countries because they hate America, of course! He'll just make all the US companies come back home and pay REAL AMERICANS to do that work! (But... won't a lot of those companies just choose not to be American companies anymore? And didn't they move those jobs away because they were too expensive at home, and the alternative would likely be slow decay as competitors gained, possibly ending with these companies failing? Isn't it better to shed some jobs and stay competitive? At least there are still a lot of Americans working for those companies... because they exist and are in a better market position than they would be otherwise...)

Oh yeah, and speaking of American jobs, PAY EVERYONE MORE! (K... not necessarily a bad idea... but be careful, right? You want companies to move jobs BACK to America, AND pay them more... seems like that's going to be a pretty big blow to US companies... Remind me again how you're paying for all the free education and benefits and infrastructure upgrades and all the other things that we all WANT, obviously, but aren't able to pay for?)

Duh, Bernie just told us - RICH people and CORPORATIONS, have LOTS of money! Like so much money. Honestly, they probably don't even know what to do with it all, so we'll just take theirs and spend it on all this great stuff for EVERYBODY! (...But weren't you just telling me how you wanted to put the squeeze on business by adding all this regulation, trade restriction, minimum wage increases, etc? So won't they be making less money too?)

Whatever man, you just don't understand econ or finance - I took an intro class in college! (Cool, I mean I'm glad you took that class, it's important stuff... but I seem to remember my professor also saying that there is no such thing as a free lunch...)

OMG, that reminds me, Bernie is going to tour the country and individually hand out a FREE sandwich to EVERY US CITIZEN!! Swoon Bernie is so smart and incredible! (I sincerely hope you enjoy your free sandwich.... I'll bet it was very expensive)

/r/politics Thread Link - latimes.com