Bernie Sanders Press Release: Clinton to Indian Audience: 'Outsourcing has Benefited Many Parts of Our Country'

Your presence hurts American workers though- that's the reality of the situation. You're taking a job that is now not available to an American. That doesn't mean I blame you or think of less of you. You, like anyone, is doing what's best for you. I personally would like to see immigration limited to people who are committed to creating good jobs for Americans. We have over 42 million immigrants in this country. We can't take in the entire world. The standard of living for native born citizens has gone down with the increase in immigration. Wages are flat or going down, cities are more crowded, rent continues to go up. The only people who benefit from our immigration policies are the wealthy and the immigrants. It's hurting the American people. Of course my views on immigration are at odds with Bernie and most Bernie supporters. And again, let me stress I have nothing against you and am sure you're a wonderful person. My view on immigration is perhaps motivated by selfishness and is not as moral as it should be- but I feel globalism and neoliberal policies have destroyed the America I once knew. Look at the population growth in India- the country will soon surpass China in terms of population. What is going to happen to all these people? The population in Africa is expected to double by 2050. Should the US take in an entire continents worth of people- what will that do to our quality of life, our environment? At what point do people in the third world need to accept responsibility for having children they have no hope of being able to care for? I know you're gonna say you're not like those people in terms of your education, but it still comes down to, almost all immigrants are job takers, not job creators. And their presence also helps to keep a lid on wages.

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