Besides yourself and other than drugs and alcohol. What is the saddest case of an individual you know and what makes it sad?

A friend of mine was a really smart guy in our teens, But in our early 20s when people started working on their careers he started to drink and smoke weed more and more. Eventually in our late 20s we found out he was stealing from some of us to fund his habits and we all had to walk away from him. His friendship had become toxic.

We are in our early 30s now. Still have him on social media. He’s on medication for his alcoholism but still drinks, He has lost most of his teeth and regularly begs for money from family, Obviously he sees the whole thing as the government’s fault for not giving him enough free money and blames us all for ‘turning our backs on him’ despite the fact he was stealing from people wallets and a mates business, a mate who had been kind enough to give him a job to try and help him. unforgivable.

In the words of Kevin Smith – Handle your high. If you want to drink and smoke with friends that’s fine, but if you are opening a beer at 9am and steeling to pay for your habit. That’s a paddlin’

/r/AskMen Thread