The best boi's 1st deathaversary is in two days and I'm deep in my feels about it so I wanted to spread his beauty. </3

It's totally OK to compare the two. I was afraid of it at first but once you're there and are experiencing it in the moment it becomes ok. You becoming focusing on giving this pup the best life possible. And plus you have your (husband?) To lean on. I'm still asking myself: why won't she stop doing this? Or why hasn't she started doing this yet? She's only 9.5 months. I need to calm down and enjoy the ride. The most hilarious similarity moment so far was her always waiting to eat dinner at 1:30am. I've got a pic of her in my profile so you can see my puppy. Off topic, but I creeped on your account a bit and you and my fiancée would be best friends lmao. Anyways I still say do it after the pandemic dies down and all the uncertainty subsides.

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