Best country to transition in?

Probably Canada or the US. I heard NZ was pretty cool about it too. Most first world countries are already becoming very aware of it.

On a side-note: You guys have no idea how lucky you are to be fighting over bathrooms. [Little rant incoming] Stay THE FUCK AWAY from Brazil. Here it is, so you guys can have any idea how things work here:

  • highest murder rate of LGBTQ people in the world, specially trans people - and it's not a single murder that i'm talking about, i'm talking full on brutal executions, hundreds every year.

  • absolutely NO CARE from the health system (there are like, 10 secluded trans-care places in the whole country, a dozen doctors here and there that know a little bit about it but that's it. No one knows a thing, and it's still called transexualism, and totally disrespected too. Also, the health system is broken itself, so you'll go months with no one to go if you have any problems or emergencies. I myself am still waiting to be called to do the blood exams I was supposed to have ready on december 13th, so I'm pretty much 2 months blind on HRT with no help at all.

  • The government absolutely hate us and thinks we do not deserve to be alive, and will do everything in it's hand to be sure you know that. The last piece about "sex" and "gender" in our constitution is from 1979, and it doesn't say a thing about gender identities or anything. So if you wanna change your name, better get a lawyer and wait at least 2 years in the hands of a very conservative political system that will require every "proof" that you're "sick". And you have absolutely no rights, because apparently "sick people don't deserve extra rights".

  • It's a very conservative and regilious country, so you can expect the population kindly treats us as monsters. 90% of the trans people are in the prostitution business, because they can't get a job or get kicked of their houses with nowhere to go. Trans people are portrayed as sick gay men (there's no such thing as a trans man, right??) that should be sacrificed in the name of god. No jobs, no respect, no basic rights, no fucking nothing.

I fucking hate this country more than anything. I'm suffering through a major phase of depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety and gender dysphoria at the same time, and there's no one here for me. My therapist doesn't know shit about gender identity, I can't take care of my health (because I depend on the public health system, I'm poor and there's nowhere I can find any treatment), and I suffer transphobia from absolutely every corner I go; even in my own house i'm not safe. Oh god, what I wouldn't give to get out of here. I'd do anything, really. It's a living hell, a real-life nightmare.

So yeah, definitely stay off Brazil. Never come here, ever.

/r/lgbt Thread