Best Feelgood match win?

My friend and I joined seige match during double worshipper weekend. I used a booster, and go figure one of our team mates didn't load. >.< Our comp was kuzenbo (random), bastet (myfriend), and aphro (me). Enemy comp was medusa, hel, posiedon, and something. My friend and I fought 2v3 and 2v4 for most of the match. Kuzenbo primarily was defending... I think. Lol. We were crushing the team. We were playing so well my GF started to watch the match. We had one point where we killed random, and hel while taking the tower. Tower fell right as hel died, and bam Medusa along with posiedon showed up. We get them down to half health, and I'm squealing like a school girl with under 50 hp. My heal had 2 seconds on it. 2 seconds that lasted a life time. Dodging and weaving. Ducking and diving. My heal is up! Smashing and laughing. Medusa was hit by my birds, and Bastet jumped on posiedon. They were dead, and my second heal got both of us to full hp.... this is how the game went. Continuous fighting. I over extended twice trying to kill titan instead of enemies. This caused both my friend and I to die. This is for the most part the only time I saw kuzenbo. Lol. Our third attack is when we took the game. We soon realized we didn't record the game. I'll post a SS of this when I get home. Also in sorry for this poorly edited post.

/r/SmiteDuel Thread