"Best friend" drops off the face of the earth for days, months and years at a time and I get annoyed. Is that wrong?

Upon rereading the post, I feel like there might be more to this. Having been on both sides of this situation, I have to say, I do wonder OP if you are taking into account the friendship dynamic from before you got sober and went to therapy.

I have been the dependent friend, and I have had the dependent friend. Where there is crisis after crisis to the point it becomes exhausting. When you got sober and left your relationship, how much emotional labour had those situations required of your friend prior? Was that addressed with her after? I find the closed "hope you're well (emoji)" quite telling. When I have done that with people, it's not that I don't care about them. It's because I was going through my own stuff and I didn't have the energy to engage, when I felt there was a chance it was going to end up being a therapy or vent session for them.

Further, you say you never snap at her, but you snapped at someone in this very thread for simply answering the question you asked, and the response to her not answering about the bath was not ideal, so I wonder how conscious you are of tone overall. Sure, it would have been optimal for her to frankly answer you with "I'm sorry, but that doesn't work for me" but you don't know what she was dealing with that week or how put on the spot she felt.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread