Best gynaecologist in Toronto?

Sure they do, especially if they're mammograms (which I know are not recommended to younger women anyway) but it is an example.

Also, if I really wanted to take this further, which I guess I will, I could say being subjected to routine physical exams as dictated by someone else could be damaging most especially when it involves the insertion of cold metal objects into a woman's most intimate anatomy for the sake of preventative health (imaginary demons). Say a woman has suffered sexual abuse, and is apprehensive being undressed in front of a stranger but she is told by the medical establishment she must do this in order to protect her health. She must then override her strong emotions for the sake of ... what exactly? Routine visits, well-baby visits, its all nothing but a crock, and I'm here to tell you that all you need to take charge of, and maintain your own health is in your hands.

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