Best Husbando will come soon

... So, did anybody notice the first Mock-up got deleted? You know, the one that borrowed my comment word-for-word (which in all honesty, I actually don't mind!)

I didn't bitch about plagiarism, but seriously where the fuck did the mock-up go? It might not have had good photoshop skills, but at least it wasn't a frankenstein of double-plagiarism.

Like at least the first guy kept the spirit of my intent alive, taking one small liberty of choosing the "New-Skill" and touching nothing else.

The other guy That posted a Seth mock-up (which is still on the front page?)

Altered just enough so he can milk some free Karma.

I didn't even confront him of plagiarism, and I shouldn't have to, but goddamn I'm furious because he didn't even preserve the intent of my BST choices, altered the BST, altered the distribution, and pissed on Seth's iconic Silver Lance.

Ardent Sacrifice / Death Blow? Check.

I confronted his shit decisions and this was his reply;

Camus is a main antagonist from the first game in the series, which is why he got the base 155. Seth is broken af in SS, but he's still just another Oifey/Jagen. Seth 2.0 also got capped at 154, as did Xander and Eldigan, so it seemed better to compare him to them than Camus.

Like what the hell second guy? You directly reply that to me? Gross.

Like at least the first guy had the decency to plagiarize me in-full, preserving my intents, and adding something in the process.

Brave Lance Seth, with a lower BST than Camus? Disgusting.

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